1.12 Closing Meditation

“Becoming your own best friend.”

Quote: "Peace begins with a smile."  ~ Mother Teresa

Becoming your own best friend:
  • Sit in a comfortable fashion.
  • Let your body relax and be at rest.
  • As best you can, let your mind be quiet, letting go of plans.
  • Then begin to softly recite inwardly the following phrases directed to yourself.
“May I be safe"
"May I be well”

“May I be happy”
“May I be free”

  • Smile and picture yourself as a young and beloved child.
  • Let the feelings of being held in a loving embrace arise with the words.
  • Adjust the words and images so that you find the exact phrases that best open your heart of kindness.
  • Gently, repeat the phrases again and again, letting the feelings permeate your mind and every cell of your body.
Practice this meditation repeatedly for a number of weeks until the sense of loving-friendliness for yourself grows.